ProtocolBuster is currently offering the following products. All of these products can be combined with each other and be purchased as a package.
Protocolmanager is an application of which the base development was done by the UMC Utrecht Academic Hospital. The software aids the medical maintenance department in executing maintenance and repair work by providing protocols with a step by step description of the work to be done.
The hospital hereby ensures that the work is being done following a uniform procedure through the entire department. The data gathered during the checks is being saved and always accessible.
Protocolmanager offers, among others, the following advantages:
- Development of maintenance protocols by our personnel saves you a lot of time
- Data is gathered and saved during execution of the work itself.
- More than 1.400 standard protocol available
- Plugin integration with diagnostic equipment (Fluke ESA 620 among others)
- Apps for mobile use
- Electronic archive for finished protocols
- Data analysis
With our Servicemanager your organization can plan, execute and report maintenance activities. The communication tool with our supplier portal offers the same possibilities for working with external contractors.
This module works best when combined with Protocolmanager, in case of which the mechanic can use the standard protocol to complete his/her task.
- Structures maintenance activities for both in – and outbound personnel
- Offers staff ability to report faults
- Work schedule generation
- Direct closing of tasks when completed
- Follow-up needs directly planned from form
- Ability to sign-off worksheet
- Allows for management of external contractors
Trainingsmanager is an application that ensures that medical personnel has knowledge of the equipment they use in their job.
Our trainingsmanager has the following properties:
- Provides medical personnel with knowledge and information about equipment used
- Specific training and testing based on e-learning
- Personalized per employee
- Insight into the staffs knowledge base
- Direct support at the workplace with the Performance Support App
- Proven solution by The Competence Group
Our Locationmanager provides insight in the location and migration of equipment through the real estate. We use Blue Tooth Low Energy beacons that are easily placed. Combined with our other modules, interesting data gathering and analytics can be performed.
- Provides insight in the location and use of medical equipment
- Mobile app for searching equipment for staff
- Analysis of movement data for optimizing maintenance and procurement
- Uses BLE technology
- Works on (already present) Android and iOS Smartphones
- No structural changes to building and infrastructure required
Docbuster is the electronic mailroom of an organization that makes the exchange of documents between parties efficient.
All parties involved in the market work with different systems that cannot communicate with each other. Because of this, organizations need to process a lot of documents manually to keep their systems up-to-date.
- receives the PDF reports from the organizations contractors
- reads PDF and scans for follow-up activities
- places the documents in the correct place in the ERP software
- ensures less time wasted and more accurate and up to date data
Protocolbuster can deliver this interface with a manual for integration or can execute the full integration of this interface into you organizations existing infrastructure.